Monday, August 16, 2010

Discovering 'it's' Gender! ...and the value in a name

We went to my mid-term ultrasound 9 days ago... and our little one revealed to us that 'it' is.... a....


..And that symbol of perfection, in this picture, is our unborn gift from above. Taken on Saturday 7th of August 2010, by our lovely CHRISTIAN sonographer, Tuesday (yep, that's her name!). Isn't he is just beautiful? It just makes it all worth it, doesn't it....

So there ya have it... we are going to be a little family of all boys!!


We are overwhelmed with joy over the beautiful little ones that the Lord has given us. I knew in my heart that I was having a boy.. all my dreams confirmed it.. and although sometimes I would ask my husband "what makes you so sure we are having a girl?" (yes, he was convinced it was a girl!!), I just couldn't be convinced otherwise. Even when I shopped, I was always drawn to little boys clothes. I did wonder at times if it was just because I had a boy already, but then the same thing happened when I was pregnant with my firstborn.. even though at the beginning I was hoping for a girl! I guess a mother always knows (well, usually..).

We have shared the knowledge of our unborn baby's gender with friends & family (who were also nearly all "SURE" we were having a girl), and although there were some obviously disappointed faces, everyone is excited about the arrival of the newest member of our family. (Of course, there is a little part of me that is a little sad that I may never have a little girl now.. and I know my husband is sad that there won't be a little girl who is "just like her mommy/mummy".. but we are overjoyed with the knowledge that we have a little prince destined to arrive in time for Christmas!

So now the fun part of choosing that perfect name. We believe that a name defines someone. It is their identity.. it represents them through what we know as life. We are also big on the meaning of names, as we believe it speaks over the life of its owner.
... more than likely, our little man will end up with 2 middle names, as our firstborn. We think it creates even more of an identity. For example, our firstborn was going to be "Charlotte Adara Grace" (meaning Petite & Feminine Beauty & Grace), had he been a girl... if we would've chosen just "Charlotte Grace", she (had he been a she), would've just been another one, as that name has been on the most popular list of 10 for a long time now.. and we have personally met several "Charlotte Grace"s. Thus our belief in the importance of a longer name! (besides.. mummy has 2 middle names too)... haha.. reminds me of one of my fav movies "The Importance of Being Earnest". Random thought!

I'm sure our new little man will end up with the perfect name.. that helps define who he is and will be! 
We want it to be strong.. yet unique. One that speaks GOOD things over his life.

With joy,
21 weeks & 6 days

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My little family is now complete...

I would LOVE to have a few children... but because my pregnancies are always so difficult and put my life at risk, I don't think having more is going to be an option after this one...

I never thought I'd say this, as I come from a family of 10 children and always wanted 4 with the option of 5..

Our family is now complete.

However, saying that, it still saddens me that my choice of having more children is not really a choice I have. My health doesn't reflect my desires.. and it would be so unfair on the child/ren that I already have.


So hard.. but so wonderful...

I love being pregnant and I missed it when I wasn't.

But why does it have to be so hard? I'm 20 weeks & 2 days.. and still so exhausted and nausea's. I've been hospitalised several times with hyperemesis and dehydration.. and ended up in a very dangerous situation because of it, that really put my life at risk. I just wish I was able to enjoy being pregnant more.. but instead, although I love feeling my little one move within my belly (etc), I constantly find myself wishing it was time to give birth so I would feel somewhat normal again. Rather than "I'm halfway.. yay!".. I feel like "I'm only halfway"... like every day just drags by and the clock purposely ticks very slowly to get to the end of each day.
